The life and times of Sarah Riley. Stay updated on our favorite little Peanut as we share humorous stories, tender moments, historic firsts and a myriad of photographic evidence that peanuts are adorable.
July 25, 2008
Our 1st Tooth
I have no idea how long this will take, but I really miss my sweet, laughing, smiling baby. I hope it doesn't take much longer!
July 21, 2008
Some new pictures.
July 16, 2008
We Survived
For me, that moment came this morning. I was nursing Riley when I noticed her nails were getting a little long. Usually, I just bite them off because she isn't still enough to do it any other way, but lately she's been rejecting that and pulls and cries. So, I decided to just tear them off, like the pediatrician instructed us to do. We did this when she was much smaller, but I'd gotten lazy and the biting thing worked so much better. Besides, they're paper-thin as it is and easy enough to do. Right?
So, nail in hand, baby nursing and quiet, pull nail edge and tear. Nothing to it. Except that the ENTIRE nail came with it!! Well, almost the entire nail, anyway. It's there, hanging on by an edge.
Gasp! Gulp! Oh my GOD! I just tore my daughter's nail off her finger. The WHOLE nail! She's screaming now, I'm freaking out and I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach.
A quick trip to the doctor's office for him to tell me that everything is fine. The nail will eventually fall off and a new one will grow back in a few months. Heart attack averted, but still sweating and nauseous.
Playing Catch-up
July 7, 2008
July 4th
Matt & Rachel were wonderfully gracious hosts. Their home was beautiful and their hospitality amazing (as always)! We enjoyed a cookout shared with Matt, Rachel and Matt's parents on Friday. We caught glimpses of the local county fireworks display from the front porch. Matt even dared to set off his own display in spite of the risk of burning down his farm. It was a good thing he thought enough to have a bucket of water nearby to douse the few flames that we did manage to catch.
Saturday found us enjoying the color and culture of Asheville! The art galleries alone were amazing. Not to mention all the cute little niche shops and super nice people. I'm still working on getting Ian to move out there. Maybe one day...
We ate at the Laughing Seed, an all vegetarian restaurant after we discovered that everything closed by 2pm only to reopen for dinner at 5pm. We should have planned better. Who knew that 3pm is an odd time for lunch. It was delicious anyway and we walked away completely stuffed.
Riley was awesome the entire day. When she wasn't sleeping, she was taking in all the sights and sounds around her. It was like her little head was on a swivel. All the bright colors in the art galleries had her mesmerized. It was awesome to see her so enraptured. By the end of the day, she was completely worn out!
We were sad to see Sunday come so quickly. It was a sleepy, gray day. I suppose that was better than having to be in the car on a bright sunny day. We were glad to be able to visit and share Fourth of July with great friends and only wish we could do it more often!
P.S. Riley is already counting down the days until she gets to meet her future husband little Gregory David Tice!
July 1, 2008
Bath time
So far, the routine is working. Bath time makes her happy and a happy Riley means everyone wins!