February 28, 2009

And she's off... !

Crawling that is. It's still stop and go with more stopping and flopping than going, but we definitely now have forward motion. I find that it no one is watching her and she thinks she's all alone, she'll put more effort into it. It's when she realizes that there's someone there that could be helping her that she decides crawling isn't for her just yet.

February 25, 2009

First Word!

Yesterday, Peanut said, "Mama!" She's only saying it when she wants something from me or is mad. Is this a sign of things to come?

February 23, 2009

Blueberries and Cantaloupe

On Sunday we found Riley sitting up in her crib after her nap. We still have no idea how she got there, but it happened twice that day. She's not shown any signs of trying it while Mommy and Daddy are watching since then, but it's exciting. Guess it's a good thing we adjusted the crib to its lowest setting a couple of weeks ago. 

Riley's still not crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, but still no forward motion. I swear she's going to walk before she crawls. Daddy disagrees. 

We've started Peanut on some new foods this week. She loves her blueberries but isn't crazy about the cantaloupe. At least, not yet. I don't think it's ripe enough for her so swallowing it is tough for her. We started cottage cheese yesterday, but I think it may have been too soon. She loves it, but it seems to be causing her some intestinal discomfort. We'll be pushing that one off for a while longer. Hope Daddy likes to eat cottage cheese!

February 10, 2009


We're slowly recovering from a nasty cold bug. Riley started with it on Friday morning and I quickly followed suit. Runny nose, cough, congestion, sinus pain... the whole nine yards. Peanut seems to be dealing with it better than mom is, but that's to be expected. She's always been a happy baby. I'll be glad when I don't feel like ripping my head off my shoulders and replacing it! 

Sunday night was miserable as Riley was awake and screaming from 6-10pm and would NOT go to sleep. We tried everything we had in our arsenal. I even pulled out the pacifier that night. She eventually drifted off after a fitful bottle. Mom collapsed into bed (wouldn't you know that it was also a night where only mom would do...) and tried to get some rest, but we were all up again around midnight with round #2.

Last night was much improved. Riley only woke up at 6:30pm and played until about 8pm then slept the remainder of the night. Mom finally took some cold medicine and slept beautifully until 5:45am when Peanut woke up for the day.

It also appears that Riley is starting to wean herself from nursing. I'm hoping that it's just the extra congestion making it difficult for her, but the lowering supply isn't helping matters either. Good thing she's always taken a bottle easily. 

We're working our way through more and more finger foods. Yesterday, Peanut enjoyed a banana, hot dog, baked beans and macaroni salad for lunch. So far, so good!

Next week, we'll be attending a sign language class. It runs 2x/week for 2 weeks for a total of 4 classes. It's just an intro class, but I'm excited. We don't use the signs as consistently as I'd like to. I'm hoping that the class will renew our spirit and help us focus a bit more. Plus, we'll get to spend some more time with all our friends, like Bryson and Katie!

February 6, 2009


We're coming down with a little cold and I'm too tired to write a full blog. So, here's my cop out.... pictures. We had a great time in Williamsburg with the Karlgaard's (Lissa and Chris are always amazing hosts!) and the entire MuCrew clan. It was awesome seeing everyone. Kelly, your kids are growing way too fast!