December 11, 2008

Christmas Lists

Many of you have been asking what's on Riley's christmas wish list.  So, here it is!

Johnny Jump Up - or an equivalent doorway jumper
Books, books, books! - Ian loves to read to Riley on the weekends and they go through at least 4-5 books at a time.
Stackables - blocks, cups, boxes
Clothes - 12+ months, please! 
Baby Einstein DVDs - currently we have Mozart, Bach, Signs, First Moves, Animals
Baby sign language - books, dvd's, etc (anything to help teach mom and dad how to teach Riley)
Bath Toys
Fisher Price Laugh n Learn Play House
Leap Frog toys - 12+ months
Movies - we would like to start collecting a movie library for Riley. Disney and christmas dvds are always winners. We currently have the Lion King, Wizard of Oz, Emperor's New Groove, Polar Express

This isn't a demand list, just some ideas in case you were looking. The best thing we can ask for is the love, support and time spent with our family and wish we could spend Christmas with everyone instead of just a few. May everyone be blesssed with a wonderfully warm and happy holiday season!

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