Noah Patrick Kaden was born October 2nd weighing in at 8 lbs 3 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long.
A Peanut's Gallery
The life and times of Sarah Riley. Stay updated on our favorite little Peanut as we share humorous stories, tender moments, historic firsts and a myriad of photographic evidence that peanuts are adorable.
October 4, 2010
September 10, 2010
Labor Day Catch Up
We've been busy the past couple of weeks between doctors' appointments and fitting in some much needed family time. We made a family pact to not go anywhere this last month before the new baby arrives and it has been so nice to not be travelling or have any other obligations.
Labor Day weekend was quiet for the first time in a long time. We ran some errands, strolled down Historic Apex, hit the parks and just plain hung out with each other. It's been great. While we explored old town Apex, we found two new favorite shops! Common Grounds is a fabulous little coffee shop located in a renovated, historic building just across the street from the local fire department. We enjoyed a quick coffee break while Riley tried to outsmart Daddy in a game of chess.
Our other new favorite was the Blue Tiger Gifts just next door to Common Grounds. They had an eclectic range of gifts including silver, mod decor, jewelry, kids toys/books/clothes and kitchen decor. The woman working there was such a treat. She entertained Riley by showing her all their wind up toys while Daddy and I got to stroll through the store. They had some really fantastic pieces. I think we'll be visiting again soon for some holiday shopping!
The weather has finally cooled down some and we've been enjoying time outside, which has been rare for us with this North Carolina summer! We made it out to Crowder Park to see the turtles and re-discovered Riley's fascination with slides. She had to go down EVERY slide we came across during our walk around the lake. We saw TONS to turtles and even spied two humongous snapping turtles in the water. Lots of fish to count, too!
We are looking forward to even cooler weather as fall approaches. Apple season is closing in on us and we just might make it out to Millstone Creek Orchards this weekend for some late summer apples. We'll be sure to bring the camera and get some good pictures if we do!
August 23, 2010
It's About Time!
To get back to blogging that is! We've taken more than our fair share of breaks this summer and it is high time to get back to business.
With less than five weeks to go before baby boy Kaden arrives, we are busy preparing our home and family for the new addition. Riley has moved up to a big girl bed in the old guest room, leaving the smaller nursery for her baby brother to take over. She adjusted very well to the double size bed and seems to have taken over the new room with zeal. She has more room to play with her toys, a walk in closet where she can go in to pick out her own clothes each morning and is getting read to each night before bed - something she quite enjoys with Daddy.
The nursery is coming along nicely. We painted it a pale blue-grey color - a big change from the daffodil yellow it was before. The dark furniture looks beautiful against the cooler color. We've decided to do a Star Wars theme for the nursery. I managed to find some vintage bed sheets with a star wars print and am having a friend's mother sew them into crib sheets and basket liners. We found a series of prints in the Star Wars theme and are working on getting them framed. A selection of plush toys and figures to go on a shelf over the dresser to complete the look and we're almost there!
And just to tide you all over, here are some recent pictures! These were taken at the Durham Museum of Life & Sciences this weekend.
March 18, 2010
Barn Time
We took a trip out to the barn today to say hello and goodbye to Kismet. She'll be leaving us to go live with some friends in the western part of the state this weekend. We had a great time playing, petting and brushing her, but it was still bittersweet.
Friends, Hannah and Bryson, came out to join us and Riley had a blast showing them around the place. All three of them went up and down the fence lines checking out all the different horses. There were big ones, little ones, brown ones, white ones.
It was nice to have some warmer weather. Finally!

February 21, 2010
Nine Weeks

We had our first appointment with the obstetrician this past Thursday. It was very exciting to get our first look at our little bean in there. Everything looks perfect. The baby was measuring right on target and had a steady, healthy heart rate of 169 bpm.
I am doing pretty well. The nausea and fatigue have really been kicking my butt. It seems to be worse than the first pregnancy, but I'm trying hard to push through it. Really, it could be much worse and I know that strong symptoms usually mean a strong pregnancy.
Ian has been a wonderfully supportive husband, letting me sleep as much as I can during the weekends and taking charge with Riley. I couldn't ask for a better partner.
Speaking of the peanut, Riley is getting to be quite the big girl. She's talking in phrases now and repeats almost ANYTHING Ian or I say. She knows most of her body parts, animal sounds, some colors and has started counting. Currently, she can get to four on her own. She's become a climbing queen and loves to scale the chairs, tables, couches and best of all - mommy and daddy's bed where she can jump up and down to her little heart's delight.
January 25, 2010
Big News!
Most of you probably have already heard by now, but I just want to make the news official. We're having a baby! That's right, #2 is on its way and due here around late September. We are very excited and are looking forward to introducing Riley to the fine art of being a Big Sister.
I am currently about 5 weeks along and feel great. I've had some very, very mild nausea, but nothing I would call Morning Sickness. Of course, the fatigue has really kicked my butt this time around and I am faithfully taking a nap in the afternoons with Riley. At least she's been giving me good 3 hour naps the past two weeks or so.
Our first appt. with the OB isn't for another few weeks, but we'll be sure to give everyone an update when we do with the official, doctor-given due date. My guess is about 9/25-27.
Ian and I both feel strongly that we're having another girl. It would help us out tremendously if we didn't have to buy everything again in blue. We still have a TON of clothes and toys left over from Riley. I'd love to be able to re-use them.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see. We won't be able to find out the sex until about 18-20 weeks, so there's some time to go yet.
We're on a new and exciting journey and I absolutely love the idea of being a mom again!
I am currently about 5 weeks along and feel great. I've had some very, very mild nausea, but nothing I would call Morning Sickness. Of course, the fatigue has really kicked my butt this time around and I am faithfully taking a nap in the afternoons with Riley. At least she's been giving me good 3 hour naps the past two weeks or so.
Our first appt. with the OB isn't for another few weeks, but we'll be sure to give everyone an update when we do with the official, doctor-given due date. My guess is about 9/25-27.
Ian and I both feel strongly that we're having another girl. It would help us out tremendously if we didn't have to buy everything again in blue. We still have a TON of clothes and toys left over from Riley. I'd love to be able to re-use them.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see. We won't be able to find out the sex until about 18-20 weeks, so there's some time to go yet.
We're on a new and exciting journey and I absolutely love the idea of being a mom again!
January 11, 2010
We're still here...
We're just still trying to climb out from under all the laundry, cleaning and straightening our house needs after our holiday travels. It's been good to be home this last week and not living out of our suitcase.
Riley has enjoyed seeing all her family and friends and we're finding it hard being at home by ourselves at times. There are lots of pictures coming soon! And an update when I have more than five minutes to myself (a rarity these days).
Riley has enjoyed seeing all her family and friends and we're finding it hard being at home by ourselves at times. There are lots of pictures coming soon! And an update when I have more than five minutes to myself (a rarity these days).
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